The state government of West Bengal has released a list of grant recipients under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Payment (PMAY) for 2023, but it is unclear when the funds will be made available. However, there has been a special update for those who have been granted permission to build houses under the scheme. The central government has praised the state's efforts to speed up the approval process for house construction and linking Aadhaar, following a meeting with the Secretary of the Union Ministry of Rural Development and state Panchayat Department officials.
Previously, there were complaints about the state's approval process for housing construction under PMAY, and the central government's Ministry of Rural Development had raised concerns about corruption. New guidelines were introduced to address these issues, but the state government has already transparently approved the construction of 11,100 houses and completed Aadhaar linking for 92% of applicants.
The state's efforts have been commended by central government officials, but there has been no announcement about when the housing grant will be available. This has caused frustration among citizens and officials in the state. The central government had previously stated that the grant would not be available until investigations related to PMAY were completed. The state government and citizens are eager to know when the grant will be made available.