Cancel Holiday – All holidays are cancelled. No more holidays before the end of high school. A strong message from the government.

 The upcoming higher secondary examination in the state of West Bengal has created quite a buzz as it is set to begin on March 14, 2023. In order to ensure a transparent examination process, the higher secondary education parliament has issued several guidelines to the state examination centers. The parliament has emphasized the importance of a strict guard system, with at least two teachers being present in each examination hall. However, the shortage of teachers due to the recent order of the High Court, which resulted in the termination of over 800 teachers, has created a challenging situation for many schools across the state. To tackle this issue, the higher secondary education council has ordered neighboring schools to provide teachers if required.

Moreover, more than 200 examination centers have been identified as sensitive, where candidates will be subjected to metal detector searches. Additionally, if candidates from neighboring schools create any disturbance during the examination, the approval of the respective school may be revoked. Despite these stringent measures, the higher secondary education council has decided not to stop the internet service during the examination.

To ensure a smooth examination process, the higher secondary education council has divided responsibilities among different officers starting from the Venu supervisor. Teachers have been instructed to perform their duties diligently and conduct the examination transparently. Furthermore, to ensure adequate supervision in the examination hall, teachers are not allowed to take any leave during this period, and any leave required must be taken with the permission of the school inspector of the respective district.

Finally, since the examination will be conducted in two stages of the day, the higher secondary examination in the first stage and the Class XI final examination in the second stage, the rest of the classes in the school will remain closed. Overall, the higher secondary education council is taking all necessary measures to ensure a fair and transparent examination process, and students are urged to take the examination seriously and perform to the best of their abilities.

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