The West Bengal state government has recently announced a 3% increase in Dearness Allowance (DA) for government employees in the state budget. However, this announcement has caused division among government workers in the state. While some leaders of pro-Trinamool government workers' organizations have celebrated the move, others have raised slogans demanding that they be given DA at the central rate instead.
The announcement of the new DA has been met with criticism from a section of workers who claim that they do not want it. They argue that where dues are 39%, 3% cannot be accepted, and that the earlier 3% DA has been reduced from 15% of house rent to 12%, shown as 3% DA. Some workers are even demanding the withdrawal of the DA.
Moreover, a case is currently underway in the Supreme Court regarding the DA of the state, which has added to the confusion surrounding the issue. Meanwhile, the Joint Struggle Manch of the state government workers has joined the DA movement and is sitting indefinitely at Subodh Mallick Square in Kolkata.
As the workers' demands and protests intensify, questions are being raised about the legal justification and feasibility of their claims. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the announcement of the new DA is refundable or whether it can be announced again during the case. Legal advice has been sought on this matter, and it remains to be seen what will happen next.
Overall, the announcement of the new DA has caused a great deal of division and confusion among government workers in West Bengal. While some have welcomed the increase, others are demanding more and questioning the legal validity of the announcement. The situation remains tense, and it is unclear how it will be resolved.