The state government of West Bengal has introduced various schemes, including free ration, to benefit the common people. The Food Department has published new guidelines stating that in addition to food grains like rice and wheat, various daily essential items will be available at ration shops in the state. This decision has been made to support local MSMEs, including self-help groups, in various districts.
Ration dealers can earn extra income by selling food grains and other essential items at the ration shop. Similarly, self-help groups, associations, unions, and local small entrepreneurs can sell their products at the ration shop. This will benefit not only the sellers but also the buyers, especially those living in remote areas who have to travel far to purchase these items.
To keep all these items in the ration shop, ration dealers must submit an application to the Food Controller office. The application will be reviewed by relevant officials, and only registered companies will be allowed to supply these essential items. The Food and Supplies Department will take strict action against any irregularities and will check the quality of all the products.
Various tests will be conducted to determine the quality of the products, and a list of approved products will be prepared. Ration dealers can keep only the selected products, as per the guidelines published by the Food Department. They cannot sell any other items forcefully, and all products should be arranged in the ration shop so that customers can purchase according to their choice.
District officials will be appointed to prevent any irregularities, and feedback will be taken from buyers about the products. The demand for manufactured goods will also be reviewed. The system's implementation date has not been announced yet, and the Food Department will review all matters every six months.