The government of West Bengal, led by Mamata Banerjee, has introduced several social welfare schemes to enhance the standard of living for the state's residents. These programs are targeted towards people from all backgrounds and encompass over 100 initiatives. Notable schemes include Kanyashree, Rupashree, Health Sathi, Food Sathi, Sabuj Sathi, Okyashree, Medhasree, Students Credit Card, Scholarship, Jal Dharo Jal Bharo, Allowance for Folk Music Artists, Scheduled Caste/Tribe Elderly Allowance, Gatidhara, Karma Tirtha, and various income schemes for self-help groups.
The Nijo Griha Nijo Bhumi Scheme is the most recent addition to this impressive list of welfare schemes. It is aimed at providing free land to homeless individuals in the state to help them build their homes, farms, or ponds for fish cultivation. Moreover, those interested in starting a cottage industry can also receive support from the government.
To be eligible for this scheme, applicants must be permanent residents of West Bengal and over 18 years old, with no housing and earning a living through agriculture, animal husbandry, cottage industries, handicrafts, or self-help groups.
To apply for the Nijo Griha Nijo Bhumi Scheme, individuals must visit their local BL&LR office and submit their application according to the government's guidelines. If they meet all the conditions, they can receive free land to build their home and improve their financial situation. The government's efforts to implement various social welfare schemes demonstrate their commitment to enhancing the quality of life of the people of West Bengal.