Amidst the ongoing turmoil surrounding corruption in primary teacher recruitment across the state, Education Minister Bratya Basu has announced that the teacher recruitment process will begin soon across West Bengal. The corruption scandal has led to the imprisonment of former education officials, public representatives, and political leaders, with investigations being conducted by the CBI and ED. Many jobs have already been cancelled due to the court's orders. The cancellation of job seekers in Group-C posts of Primary Education Board, SSC has also been a controversial issue, with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressing her displeasure over the job cancellation order and calling for humane treatment of the victims.
In this context, the state government's announcement about the teacher recruitment process comes as a welcome relief. Bratya Basu has said that the recruitment process of 12,000 primary teachers in the state will start soon, and that the board has already been sent the necessary documents for the recruitment of these posts. The preliminary TET examination for the Primary Teacher Recruitment was conducted on December 11th, and its results have already been published. The recruitment process is expected to start in April and May, with 12,000 primary teachers being appointed immediately. The minister also announced that the recruitment process will start for SSC, and for all positions starting from Head Master in secondary and higher secondary schools as well. Recruitment for the post of head teacher will begin in May, followed by the recruitment of class XI-XII, IX-X, VI-VIII teachers in a step-by-step manner. The recruitment of old panel candidates has already started.
The announcement has come at a time when job seekers have been protesting for transparent recruitment for a long time. Panchayat polls are also ahead, with the Election Commission already starting preparations. All political parties are carrying out activities aimed at capturing the rural administration across the state. Amidst this political turmoil, the Education Minister's announcement about the recruitment to Primary and SSC by the state government has brought some relief to the people of West Bengal.