The state government of West Bengal, led by Mamata Banerjee, has announced the recruitment of thousands of individuals across various government departments. This move comes amidst a series of corruption scandals related to government job recruitment that has caused uproar across the state. The Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate are investigating several cases related to corruption in job recruitment, which has caused delays in the recruitment process. However, the state government has decided to move forward with the recruitment process as quickly as possible in departments where vacancies are available.
Despite facing criticism from opposition parties over the alleged recruitment scam, the state government has given the green signal to fill 2,722 vacant posts in various departments. The Madrasa Service Commission has decided to fill 1,729 vacant posts, while the Agriculture Department will appoint 122 assistant directors. Additionally, the state library department has 738 vacant posts that will be filled, with most of the vacancies being appointed in North 24 Parganas, where 60 people will be hired. Rural libraries in East Burdwan and South 24 Parganas districts will also be hiring 55 and 52 people, respectively.
The cabinet meeting also resulted in decisions to establish two stand-alone model schools in Purulia, with 74 people appointed to various positions in Eklavya Model Schools in Purulia and Bankura. Furthermore, 44 people will be hired for various vacant posts in cooperative offices in Kalimpong and Jhargram. Two people who left the Kamtapur Liberation Organization in Cooch Behar and 22 people who left a Maoist organization in Jhargram will be given jobs as Home Guards.
The state government has also formed a committee of seven members with the District Magistrate as the chairman to oversee the recruitment of the 738 vacant posts in rural libraries. The state library minister, Siddikulla Chowdhury, stated that there had been complaints of vacant posts in state libraries for a long time, and the decision to appoint a total of 738 individuals was taken to address this issue.
In conclusion, the state government of West Bengal has announced the recruitment of thousands of individuals across various departments, despite facing criticism and allegations of corruption. The recruitment process will be carried out as quickly as possible in departments with available vacancies, and the government has taken several measures to ensure transparency in the recruitment process.