The Maharashtra government has introduced a new scheme called "Ladki Laxmi" to financially assist parents and empower girls in the state. Under this scheme, parents of a girl child will receive financial assistance step-by-step until their daughter turns 18 years old, helping them to raise and educate their child without financial constraints. Initially, the project aims to support girls from backward classes, allowing them to excel in various fields of society.
The scheme offers financial assistance of 5,000 rupees when a girl child is born, 4,000 rupees when she is admitted to first grade, 6,000 rupees when she reaches sixth grade, and 8,000 rupees when she enters the 11th grade. Finally, when the girl child turns 18, the state government will provide 75,000 rupees in financial aid. The money will be transferred directly to the bank account of the father or mother, who must have a valid bank account to enroll in the scheme.
To qualify for the Ladki Laxmi Scheme, parents must be permanent residents of Maharashtra and red or yellow card holders. Furthermore, the girl child must be born in a government hospital to be eligible. The government hopes that this initiative will empower girls and enable them to contribute to Empower Girls and Support Parents Financially!
The Maharashtra government has introduced a new scheme called "Ladki Laxmi" to financially assist parents and empower girls in the state. Under this scheme, parents of a girl child will receive financial assistance step-by-step until their daughter turns 18 years old, helping them to raise and educate their child without financial constraints. Initially, the project aims to support girls from backward classes, allowing them to excel in various fields of society.
The scheme offers financial assistance of 5,000 rupees when a girl child is born, 4,000 rupees when she is admitted to first grade, 6,000 rupees when she reaches sixth grade, and 8,000 rupees when she enters the 11th grade. Finally, when the girl child turns 18, the state government will provide 75,000 rupees in financial aid. The money will be transferred directly to the bank account of the father or mother, who must have a valid bank account to enroll in the scheme.
To qualify for the Ladki Laxmi Scheme, parents must be permanent residents of Maharashtra and red or yellow card holders. Furthermore, the girl child must be born in a government hospital to be eligible. The government hopes that this initiative will empower girls and enable them to contribute to society.