Exciting news for the people of West Bengal as the state government has announced some special changes in the Lakshmi Bhandar project, which is aimed at empowering women. The project has received widespread appreciation since its launch, especially as it is the first of its kind in the country to specifically cater to the needs of married women in the household. With several other similar projects running in the state, the government is now introducing some changes to ensure that the scheme is more effective and efficient in providing the intended benefits to its applicants.
One of the major changes that the government is introducing is making it mandatory to link Aadhaar with the bank account that is linked to Lakshmi Bhandar. This change is not only being implemented by the government but also by the Reserve Bank of India, which has introduced new rules to prevent fraud and ensure transparency in the distribution of funds. Previously, many people were able to withdraw money from Lakshmi Bhandar through joint accounts, which has now been completely prohibited to prevent misuse of the scheme. Therefore, to receive funds from the scheme, it is now mandatory to have an individual bank account linked to the project.
However, there is also some good news for those who were previously not eligible for old age pension under the Lakshmi Bhandar scheme. Women from general families used to receive Rs. 500 per month, while women from scheduled and SC/ST families received Rs. 1000 per month. But now, those who previously received Rs. 500 will also be eligible to receive Rs. 1000, which is a significant increase in benefits. Additionally, the government is also setting up a new camp in Duar very soon to provide further support and assistance to the beneficiaries of the scheme.
Before filling out the application form for Lakshmi Bhandar, it is essential to ensure that your Aadhaar card is linked to your bank account; otherwise, you may not receive the funds. The Lakshmi Bhandar scheme highlights the significance and importance of women in the household as Lakshmi's treasure, and it is essential to recognize and appreciate their contribution to the household. Disrespecting them by undervaluing their hard work is not acceptable, and initiatives like Lakshmi Bhandar aim to empower women and ensure they receive the respect they deserve.