Airtel, one of India's leading telecommunications companies, has recently launched its 5G service, known as the Airtel 5G Offer, in an attempt to outdo its rival Jio. With the world rapidly advancing towards a faster and more efficient internet, 5G has become the latest buzzword. Airtel is currently offering its 5G services in approximately 265 cities spread across 20 states in India. However, to access this service, customers must have a 5G device.
While the internet has been free until now, it is expected that the cost of using it will increase once 5G becomes the norm. India's internet costs are already lower than those of most countries in the world. Airtel has recently trialled its 5G service in Hyderabad, where it showcased the 1983 Cricket World Cup. In addition, the company has set up around 1000 retail stores across the country where customers can see and experience all of Airtel's 5G technologies.
These retail stores have experienced technicians who can explain all the details of 5G, including its usage and the speed of the network. Customers do not have to pay extra charges to enjoy cloud gaming once they have access to the 5G service. Without the internet, life can feel stagnant, and India needs to keep pace with the rest of the world by increasing internet speeds in various ways.
A fully launched 5G service will make it much easier to connect with Augmented Reality. Airtel is the only Indian telecommunications company taking on this responsibility and striving to convince customers of the benefits of 5G. Airtel has always won the hearts of its customers with its exceptional services, and it is expected that its 5G service will be no different.